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Single Pack Herbs and Powders

Agrimony is often used in spells, rituals and mojo bags to protect from and expel negative energies and influences. Agrimony is also connected to Masculine...
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Alfalfa is traditionally used as an herb of prosperity and money gathering and as proof against hunger due to a lack of money. It is also connected to...
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Angelica has long been known as a healing herb with the ability to cast illness from the body and protect it from harm. It is also associated with Masculine...
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Anise Star is a well known ingredient in protective and meditative incenses and is sometimes used as a charm for these purposes. It is also connected to...
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Arabic Gum is used in incense or smoldered alone to add good vibrations and banish negativity and evil from the area. Also associated with Masculine Energy,...
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Especially potent on the summer solstice; bunches are gathered in fields and burnt as offerings to ensure a good harvest. It is also associated with Feminine...
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Bay leaves are the laurels of myth and legend worn by Roman and Greek victors, and are said to be useful in creating essential oils, spells of wisdom,...
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Used sometimes by Native Americans in smudging, Bearberry (or kinnikinnick) smoke is said to carry the prayers of those who use it.
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With medicinal uses traced back to the Native American's teachings to early settlers, Black Cohosh root is most commonly used to help treat hot flashes and...
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Blessed Thistle a potent aid in healing magic and is linked to Mars, and the sign of Aries, and the element of Fire.
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Often used for purification, Burdock is also a powerful aid in protecting against negative energies and black magic.
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Since antiquity Calendula has been known as an herb that could aid in comforting the heart and mending wounded spirits.
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Camphor is well known for its ability to help restore spiritual vigor and renew the spirit. Some also believe it can aid with psychic abilities and prophetic...
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Particularly useful for those seeking good luck, Chamomile can be quite helpful when seeking love and prosperity. It also helps soothe mind and body, making...
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Activated Charcoal is known for its cleansing and protective abilities and is used to render a harmful situation neutral. It is also a commonly used incense...
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Chaste berries originating in Europe is also known as Chaste Tree, Monk's Pepper, and Abraham's balm. This herb was used for centuries in medieval...
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Naturally decaffeinated, Roasted Chicory Root granules are sometime used as a coffee substitute as they offer a caffeine-like boost to energy.
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Used throughout the world as a culinary spice, cinnamon is also believed by many to be a powerful addition to spells of money drawing as well as love spells....
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Known as a spice, Cinnamon is also quite potent in healing magic, and spells of protection and passion. It is associated with fire and the sun, and often...
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Often used when seeking love or good luck, red clover can also used in blessings for pets and livestock and seeking good fortune in financial arrangements.
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Cloves are potent in rituals used for banishing negative energies and spirits, and in magic seeking to aid or begin love and friendship.
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Believed to improve luck in spells of prosperity, wealth and love Coltsfoot Leaf is also said to be a potent aid in treating coughs, colds and other such...
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Useful in spells of protection and blessings for travel Comfrey Leaf has also used in treating sprains, broken bones and help sooth an upset stomach....
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Dandelion Leaf is a powerful aid in summoning spirits and it is also quite useful in rituals of purification, as well as often being added as a green to salads.
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Popular in mythology and legend, this salt from the landlocked Dead Sea is renowned for its restorative properties and is a popular addition to skin care...
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Used as incense in medieval Northern Europe, Dog Grass Root has also been used to treat the pain of urinary infection since classical Greece. Also called:...
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Traditionally used by Native Americans as a potent healing herb, Echinacea Purpurea is often used to treat sore throats, colds, infections and coughs.
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Elder Berries have long been believed to be able to aid in warding off evil influences, curses, and other harmful spells.
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Eleuthecoccus senticosus is very close to Ginseng and can be used to similar effect. It is noted for its usefulness in ritual, spell and meditation work in...
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Epsom Salts are widely used for treating inflammation and for soothing aches. You can also find them in bath and skincare products.
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Commonly utilized in spells involving protection or healing, Eucalyptus has a long standing in aboriginal traditions of healing wounds and treating infections.
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Eyebright is commonly used in spells to create changes in perception and attitude, creative visions, and improve memory.
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Used to ward off evil spirits, Fennel can aid in preventing curses and empowering other protective magic.
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Believed to possess many curative powers, Feverfew is a traditional aid in curing low spirits, nervousness, and fever.
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Associated with love, money, health, power and wisdom, Five Finger Grass also known as Cinquefoil, and Potentilla, is a powerful aid when seeking to draw...
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Providing abundant aid to those working spells seeking prosperity, Flax Seed is also useful in healing and protection magic.
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Known for aiding in spells seeking justice and victory in court, Galangal is also of use in magic that is intended to protect against hexes and curses....
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Ginger Root has been used in folk medicine for over 2000 years, with modern science also exploring its use in treating nausea and similar such illnesses.
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Siberian Ginseng has long been believed to increase personal energy and aid in working spells of love, healing and protection.
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Long held as sacred, as it was believed to be what was used to create the Crown of Thorns worn by Jesus, hawthorn now sees much use as an herbal medicine.
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Traditionally associated with love spells, particularly those attracting lust and passion, Hibiscus is also good for divination and dream magic.
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High John is widely known to help overcome obstacles and achieve goals, as well as protect against negative energies and curses. It is also great for love...
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Known mostly as an ingredient for Beer and Ale, hops has also been historically used as a sedative for treating nervousness, delirium, and inflammation.
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Said to offer powerful protection against magic, Horehound is believed to also help maintain clarity during magical rituals.
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Said to help in spells seeking the protection of God, Hyssop is used in rituals of protection and purification as well as rituals of healing.
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Good for using in spells to attract love and prosperity, Jasmine is also used in divination, particularly that involving dream magic.
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These flowers are of great use in love spells where you are seeking to bring to life love that has died or create love where there was none before. Sometimes...
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Jezebel Root is a common herb amongst the Pagan and Hoodoo traditions. Magical uses may assist you with attracting money and wealth, increase sales and...
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This root is most often used by women to attract wealthy men (and their generosity), to help in receiving better tips and raises or in the Curse of Jezebel....
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Quite helpful in attracting healthy energies and goodly spirits, Juniper berries are also good for spells and rituals of love and protection.
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Kava Kava root powder is frequently used to help induce spiritual visions, reach meditative trances, or work with astral travel.
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Lavender flowers are often used for spells of love and healing as well as to seek inner peace, or work spells of prosperity and protection.
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Lemon balm has been traditionally used for its natural antibacterial properties and can also be used as a sedative.
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A powerful aid for protective and love magick, Lemon Verbena can be used to help stop dreaming or attract the opposite sex, and increase the power of other...
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Long used within herbal medicine, Lemongrass can be of great use in soothing nerves and troubled spirits, as well as treating cold and flu.
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Spoken of in myth and lore for thousands of years, the Linden Flower is commonly used to ease anxiety and hysteria, and is sometimes used as a sedative.
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Historically used as a purgative to treat poisoning, Lobelia is also said to be a powerful sedative, easing nervous tension and panic.
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A powerful herb that is used to create a Homunculus, Mandrake also aids in exorcism, spells involving spirits and increasing magical potency. This is...
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Marshmallow root has been used for ages to treat sore throats and attract good spirits, with records of its use dating back to the days of Ancient Egypt and...
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A favored flower of ancient festivals and weddings, and used in offerings to the dead, Meadowsweet has strong ties to ceremonies of life and death.
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Mistletoe has long been reported to be of great aid in spells of fertility and love, as well as sacred spells of protection and producing prophetic visions.
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The most common use for a Mojo Wish Bean is to carry it for seven days, using it as a focus for the wish you want it to aid in coming true.
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Often used to protect against evil spirits, Mugwort is also believed to dispel fatigue from travelers, aid in astral travel, dream magic and divination.
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An ancient form of protection against black magic, curses and other negative energy, Mullein also helps keep away demons and instill courage.
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Believed to be a powerful magical herb, offering protecting against poison and illness, Nettles are also used to remove curses and help in exorcisms.
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Reportedly able to aid in digestion, preventing indigestion, and lowering cholesterol Orange Peel is also a good source of vitamin C, helping to prevent cold...
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Orris root has long been used in spells, rituals and charms designed to find or hold Love. The root also has associations with Feminine energy, Venus, and...
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Sacred to Native Americans, Osha Root is said to be great for purification and dreaming, and to have antiviral qualities. It has also been observed as...
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Said to aid in finding emotional balance, helping to bring peace and friendship, Passion Flower is also believed to improve the libido.
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Patchouli root is a powerful addition to your ritual magic, helping you find personal growth and otherwise being a powerful aid in spells of money drawing...
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Said to be of use for spells of purification, Pennyroyal is known for its uses in spells of protection and exorcism as well.
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Of potent use in creating visionary dreams and psychic ability, Peppermint is also useful in treating heartburn, colds and flu or creating a calm, restful...
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Used since Roman times in celebration of special events and the worship of the Gods, Pink Rose Petals are often used within ritual practices for happiness,...
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Useful in seeking visions, Raspberry leaf is also good in other spells of divination as well as in spells of protection and love.
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Commonly used for rituals of purification, or as an offering to Gods and spirits, Red Sandalwood is also good for spells seeking healing and protection.
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Commonly used for rituals of purification, or as an offering to Gods and spirits, Red Sandalwood is also good for spells seeking healing and protection.
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Said to be of use in calling good spirits and seeking their aid, Rose Hips are also good for seeking good luck.
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Great for spells of love and happiness, Red Rose Buds and Petals are also fantastic for those who seek prosperity.
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In addition to being a popular culinary spice, Rosemary is traditionally known for increasing memory and being a powerful aid in spells of love and romance.
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Sage leaf is well known for its powers of protection, healing and prosperity, and is also said to be of great use in seeking deeper sources of wisdom.
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Commonly used by women to keep their partner from straying, Salt Petre is also of great use in exorcisms and other purification rituals.
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Sassafras Root also known as Sassafras Albidum obtained from a tree native to North America. Used in the culinary field and the wood from this tree is used...
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Often used in spells and rituals seeking everlasting fidelity and commitment, Scullcap can also reportedly be used to treat numerous nervous disorders.
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A powerful aid in protective magic, Sea Salt is also good for cleansing and purifying crystals and scrying mirrors. Note: granule sizes vary widely from 1/6"...
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A powerful aid in protective magic, Sea Salt is also good for cleansing and purifying crystals and scrying mirrors. Note: granule sizes vary widely from 1/6"...
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This fine sea salt offers a smaller grain size, making it easier to use within bath salts and cosmetic blends.
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Believed to be potent when used in the creation of magical seals and binding spirits, Solomon's Seal Root is also used as an aphrodisiac, and in love spells.
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A great herb for invigorating the mind and stimulating the senses, Spearmint can be used as smelling salts, or in treating ailments of the digestive tract.
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St. John's Wort is great for warding off evil spirits or negative magic, and can be quite potent for exorcisms, instilling courage and divination.
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Often overlooked in favor of the fruit, Strawberry Leaf is actually useful in treating all manner of aches and pains and is sometimes used to assist with...
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Sometimes associated with hell and the devil, Sulfur, or Brimstone, is actually quite good for destroying an enemy's hold on you or preventing curses and hexes.
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Quite potent when used within spells and rituals of protection and purification, Valerian Root is well known for warding off negative intention and magic.
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A powerful aid in warding off evil spirits and vampires, Vervain is also a great aid of divination, trances, dream magic and creating love spells.
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With oaks used by Celts as gateway between worlds, White Oak bark is believed to aid in the creation of such portals. It is also being explored as a dietary...
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White Pine bark has been explored medicinally by Native Americans for hundreds of years, and is popularly used in treatments for cough and cold as an...
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The preferred herb for smudging, White Sage is good for cleansing and rituals of healing and protection. Often used in blessings of prosperity as well.
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