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Single Pack Herbs and Powders

Known mostly as an ingredient for Beer and Ale, hops has also been historically used as a sedative for treating nervousness, delirium, and inflammation.
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Eleuthecoccus senticosus is very close to Ginseng and can be used to similar effect. It is noted for its usefulness in ritual, spell and meditation work in...
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Often overlooked in favor of the fruit, Strawberry Leaf is actually useful in treating all manner of aches and pains and is sometimes used to assist with...
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White Pine bark has been explored medicinally by Native Americans for hundreds of years, and is popularly used in treatments for cough and cold as an...
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Chaste berries originating in Europe is also known as Chaste Tree, Monk's Pepper, and Abraham's balm. This herb was used for centuries in medieval...
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Known as a spice, Cinnamon is also quite potent in healing magic, and spells of protection and passion. It is associated with fire and the sun, and often...
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Believed to improve luck in spells of prosperity, wealth and love Coltsfoot Leaf is also said to be a potent aid in treating coughs, colds and other such...
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Traditionally used by Native Americans as a potent healing herb, Echinacea Purpurea is often used to treat sore throats, colds, infections and coughs.
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Said to offer powerful protection against magic, Horehound is believed to also help maintain clarity during magical rituals.
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Often used to protect against evil spirits, Mugwort is also believed to dispel fatigue from travelers, aid in astral travel, dream magic and divination.
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Believed to be a powerful magical herb, offering protecting against poison and illness, Nettles are also used to remove curses and help in exorcisms.
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Said to aid in finding emotional balance, helping to bring peace and friendship, Passion Flower is also believed to improve the libido.
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